Monday, September 26, 2011


I really want to do an outfit post, but I don't have a proper camera. So here's a headless pic of me giving a thumbs up from my webcam...

Great quality! Ya? NO.
I love these trousers! I can't take them off! And I love boy shirts from Urban Outfitters. So basically I love this outfit and all of it's ugliness. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

MANNEQUINS!!!! !!! !! !

About a couple of weeks ago, I went down to this great thrift store by house called Portabello Road, which is run by Laura's House (a charity for battered women) and one of the mangers of the store and I started chatting about how great the retro rack is what not. Then she told me how her boss is always trying to get rid of it! So she asked me if I wanted to help out and volunteer at the store to save the retro rack! (which is truly fab!) She told me I could help dress up mannequins, and sift through clothes, and help dress up the store for Halloween since I'm such a trendy looking gal (lolz). I said yes of course, because it seemed like such a fun idea and I would be able come and go at my own convenience. I'll never be bored again!!

Today was my first day and I hung out there for a couple of hours. I didn't take any pictures of the mannequins I did up, but the one I was most proud of was inspired by Margot Tenenbaum.

Then I was able dress one up all Versace like! Like these hot babes below.

It was a blast! and was all made possible by the retro rack! <3


I'm going to let the photos speak from themselves here.

I'm shedding tears of joy for this collection. BRAVO!!! 

Rhys Webb

Rhys Webb from The Horrors has become my new "fashion icon." I loath to call him that because he's a brilliant musician, not a fashionista, and shouldn't be labeled as one. It's just that lately when I've been getting ready in the morning or when I'm out shopping, an image of Rhys pops into my head and I go with it. I think the reason for this is that I'm inspired not Rhys Webb himself, but the music of The Horrors. I dress based off my emotions, and moods, and my surroundings, and The Horrors music definitely have influenced a lot of these feelings, and as a result I look like Rhys Webb. So here's some of my favorite pictures of Rhys become lovely.

Not a bad look, eh?

Here's more music by The Horrors. I'll be referring to their greatness often on here. 

Let the love affair continue.

 Preen was perfect! 

This entire collection I found to be very inspiring. The colors and the collars were all ideal. Especially the collars, I was starting to get bored of the peter pan collar, but Preen has livened their collars up and made them fun again! This is why I love LFW.

This is where I'm at these days...

So basically I adore everything about Richard Nicoll's Spring 2012 collection.

Looking at this collection while listening to The Horrors was just so fitting. It made gush over it even more. I have to admit LFW as a whole was just mind blowing to me. I haven't been impressed with any of the other fashion week thus far.